James McDougall


Consultancy Services (Australia and Asia Pacific Region)

Strategic Planning and Development

Policy Research and Development

Campaigning and Communication 

Governance and Management Review

Building a Learning Culture

Developing Collaborations

James McDougall

ABN: 25 040 958 618

Address: PO BOX 450, North Perth, Western Australia, 6096 Australia.

Phone: +61 (0) 419 243 179
Email: james@policyconsultants.com.au
Website: www.jamesmcdougall.com.au 

As a consultant, I have built on my broad and varied experience as a manager and as a communicator to offer strategic services to government, communities and to businesses in planning, policy development, communications, governance and management. 

Whilst my skills and experience can guide you through a range of challenging contexts, my most significant achievements have been in supporting the development of coordinated and integrated policy and practice for the benefit of children, families and their communities.

My recent work has included policy development in Australia, while I maintain networks and understanding of child and human rights issues in the Asia Pacific region. This work has included:

  • developing awareness of child wellbeing in the context of family and domestic violence, and in responses (Domestic Violence Services Management);
  • developing monitoring mechanisms for youth justice and child protection (Commission for Children and Young People – Victoria)
  • reframing child rights issues in the context of local, regional and international engagement (Save the Children, UNICEF and Refugee Council);
  • supporting policy development for Aboriginal-controlled communities in engagement, governance, child care and protection (SNAICC and DVSM NSW); and 
  • connecting children’s participation with government policy development (Victorian State Government; AYAC; Western Sydney University)


Professional Development including Technical Skills and Knowledge

I am a qualified lawyer and have practiced in a wide range of areas including industrial, civil and insurance law before becoming a manager of legal services for children and young people.

I became interested in policy development and communication and in understanding and influencing outcomes, particularly in supporting communities to address injustice and build fairness.

This led me to work with governments, communities and partners around Australia and in the Asia Pacific region. I have also worked with Save the Children / 54 Reasons, Plan and UNICEF using international human rights principles and mechanisms to ground policy, planning and practice.  

Strategic Planning and Development; Governance and Management Review

Building on my experience in managing state-wide and national services (in Western Australia and New South Wales), I now review and advise organisations and businesses on integrated planning and implementation. I have guided strategic reviews for organisations throughout Australia and the Pacific. I have guided business restructure in community, state and national contexts. Given my legal skills, I can assist in dealing with challenges in governance, risk management and human resources.

Policy Research and Development; Building a Learning Culture

Understanding the importance of evidence for effective advocacy, I have grounded my work in a commitment to learning and development. My experience now includes policy advice and frameworks for government, and organisations, training manuals, policy and procedures, submissions, publications and presentations.

Campaigning and Communication 

I offer analysis and research with strategic advice on framing and messaging to enable practical policy outcomes for my clients whether communities, national and international organisations. I have particular experience in human rights, child rights and protection and youth justice. 

Developing Collaborations and Community Connections

I have developed several national networks and a national corporate volunteering program. I prefer to work collaboratively as it produces more sustainable outcomes. I am valued for my ability to broker community connections with and for corporate, academic and government sectors.


The Child Rights Reporting Project – www.childrights.org.au 

Developed this concept; contributing author, reviewer and editor for these reports – “Listen to Children” (2011)[1]; “CRC25 Progress Report” (2015)[2] and the Children’s Report (2018)[3]; led the NGO delegation at Australia’s attendance at 60th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. [4]

Delivery of legal services to children in Australia – http://www.lawstuff.org.au/  

Guided the development of this key resource for children and young people.

Youth Justice Conferencing in Australia – http://www.djj.nsw.gov.au/conferencing.htm 

Developed the policy and procedures for this innovative community based diversionary scheme

‘Children Without Borders’ for Save the Children Australia[5]

Developed the first integrated policy and practice framework for this critical child rights project

Consultant to Save the Children UK on Pan Long Youth Justice Project in China [6]

Advised on the establishment of this pioneering youth justice initiative in China 

“Do You See Me? Do You Hear Me? Responding to children and young people affected by domestic and family violence” [7]

Research and policy report to guide the development of DFV service responses to children 

“Can I Trust You? Improving our service design and response to people from Aboriginal Communities” [8]

Developed guidance for engagement with Aboriginal communities by mainstream service provider


On request.

[1] http://www.childrights.org.au/listen-to-children-reports

[2] http://www.childrights.org.au/crc25/

[3] https://www.npc.org.au/speakers/ann-sherry-ao/

[4] http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/crcs60.htm

[5] http://scasites.org.au/noborders/providing-support-to-vulnerable-children-on-nauru/

[6] http://www.chinacsr.com/en/2006/03/21/373-save-the-children-assists-first-youth-justice-pilot-project/  

[7] http://www.dvnswsm.org.au/2017/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CWB-Report-Final-version-August-2017-1.pdf

[8] http://www.dvnswsm.org.au/2017/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Community-Connections-Report-Final-version-August-2017-v2.pdf